Below is the application form for the Rhonald Akridge Memorial Phi Theta Kappa Hopeful to Hired Transfer Scholarship.


  1. Complete all fields in application
  2. Upload essay file (please submit in PDF format)
  3. If you need to convert a Word document in to a PDF, here’s a free tool
  4. Email your unofficial transcripts to info at hopefultohired dot com
  5. Questions about the scholarship application process? Contact us and ask away.


The Rhonald Akridge Memorial Hopeful to Hired Transfer Scholarship Application

  • By providing your email address, you agree to receive email communication from author, Adam Dince.
  • Please enter at least two websites that validate your identity (e.g., Twitter, LinkedIn, Personal Website). We want to make sure you exist.
  • Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, doc, txt.
    Please only upload PDF, TXT or JPG file extensions.
    Please explain how you will use your education and what you've learned through Phi Theta Kappa to pay-it-forward. Be specific and detailed. 1,000 word character limit. Please only upload a PDF or Word document.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.